Architecture in Washington State Q Sterry
Q.Sterry is now licensed to practice architecture in Washington State. A few fun and exciting projects have prompted this move. We are very excited about the possibilities this new opportunity brings.

Treehouse Deck Design by Q Sterry
This is a Treehouse deck that is supported on one end by 3 living trees. We used the Garnier limb to support the majority of the deck structure. A partial height screening wall/railing was used on one side of the deck to create privacy from the street. A cable railing system was used where natural vegetation provides sufficient screening from the street.

Retroactive Building Permit
Well-intentioned homeowners often begin working on their homes without a clear understanding of the type of improvements that will require a building permit.
Whether they are trying to add a simple custom design element, or something larger like a full-blown remodel or addition, it is always recommended to have a preliminary discussion with a local City or County Planner, (or other design professional/ Architect).

Treehouse Structure Design - House Plans & Design
We all have different ideas and visions of what we want out of our treehouse. It might be a place for the kids to hang out, a home office, a guest suite, or simply a place for the adults to hang out and relax. In any event, designing can be the most exciting part where you get to put all the things you ever wanted from your past childhood dreams as well as your kid’s current wants.

Concrete Curing Process - Hydrate Concrete
Water is essential for the concrete curing process. Initially, a precise amount of water is mixed with the Portland cement and aggregate, but after the concrete has solidified, water begins to evaporate out of the matrix.
If too much water evaporates too quickly the curing can become stressed and the concrete brittle.