Tenant Infill Project: Old Place, Modern Space
Tenant Infill Project: Old Place, Modern Space

AI Art: Chrome Palace - an Architectural, Futuristic Habitat
AI Art: Chrome Palace - an Architectural, Futuristic Habitat

Design Development: Low-Income Multifamily Housing
Design Development: Low-Income Multifamily Housing

AI Art: Forest Retreat - Dramatic Architectural Experience
AI Art: Forest Retreat - Dramatic Architectural Experience

Preliminary Design: Low-Income Multifamily Housing
Preliminary Design: Low-Income Multifamily Housing

AI Art: Japanese Inspired Wooden Interior Finishes
AI Art - Japanese Inspired Wood Interior Finishes

Architecture on a Slope, Custom Residential Design
Architecture on a Slope, Custom Residential Design

Our Renovations, from Retail to Residential, look beautiful in Fall
Our Renovations, from Retail to Residential, look beautiful in Fall

Custom Home Design in Eugene, Residential Architecture
Custom Home Design in Eugene, Residential Architecture

Award Winning Design for a Commercial Renovation in Eugene
Award Winning Design for a Commercial Renovation in Eugene

Kendal Chevrolet Dealership - Interior Architecture
Kendal Chevrolet Dealership - Interior Architecture

A New Multifamily Housing Project in Eugene is Under Construction
A New Multifamily Housing Project in Eugene is Under Construction

The Influence and Advantages of Geometric Shapes in Architecture
The Influence and Advantages of Geometric Shapes in Architecture

Multi-family developments
Developers should continue to support the continued construction of multi-family buildings for a multitude of reasons.

Q Sterry welcomes Christoph to the Team!
QSterry, the premier architect services firm in Eugene, OR, welcomes its newest member to the team!

Congratulations on Your Promotion Sarah!
After multiple excellent years of incredible work, QSterry is proud to promote Sarah to her new role as Project Manager!

Rooftop Theater
Whats better than an open air theater at the top of a 12 story building!?!?